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Fifteen Characters: Loners and Altruists

1. Heath

2. Charles

3. Charlie and Edgard

4. Bielsa

5. Fischer

6. Attlee

7. Eckhart

8. Bismarck and Lassalle

9. Diogenes

10. Arendt

11. Brown

12. Stockhausen


All of these short stories were published at If you go to the website, go to the authors section, click on 'K' and you'll find all of them listed there.


There have been many loners in history. They might have been wracked by guilt and anxieties, but they have also produced some of the greatest and most innovative ideas and works of art. In King’s fifth book, he delves into the thought processes of introverted artists, philosophers, chess players and football managers. King chooses one pivotal event in their lives and brings it to life. This thin book also looks at altruists – that is, people who thought that they could make the world a better, fairer and more just place. King’s latest book covers a variety of figures across millennia and across a wide and disparate range of fields. It is packed with both facts and psychological insight. Read it!

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